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Uzčge Pont-du-Gard [fr] Uzčge Pont-du-Gard [en]


Vers-Pont-du-Gard near Uzès

The famous Pont du Gard is located on the territory of the village named Vers, renamed Vers-Pont-du-Gard.
The limestone which was built with the Pont-du-Gard comes from career fro mVers, which were used in ancient times and the Middle Ages to the present day. There are remnants of the aqueduct on the town.

Vers-Pont-du-Gard beffroiVers-Pont-du-Gard rue

Quarries around the village, some abandoned, others still in use. Vers exists since Roman times at least , it appears in the archives when the Duke of Aquitaine had a castle built in 688. It was a village of stone mason, they left a legacy of beautiful stone houses.

Vers-Pont-du-Gard cathedralecathedrale Vers-Pont-du-Gard

The Clock Tower, square tower topped by a bell is a remnant of the feudal fortress of the Middle Ages. A large shaded square with plane trees down at the center of the village. The village has three laundries built in the 19th century, water is a precious resource in this country of scrubland.

Vers-Pont-du-Gard Vers-Pont-du-GardVers-Pont-du-Gard pont romain


Selection of bed and breakfast near the Pont du Gard on the portal of b&b in Provence

Coming to Vers-Pont-du-Gard : GPS coordinates N 43°58’01’’ - E 4°31’27’’

Location : altitude 55 metres, 1700 inhabitants, 2 miles from Pont-du-Gard, 2 miles from Castillon-du-Gard, 4 miles from Collias, 7 miles from Uzès, 11 miles from Saint-Quentin-la-Poterie, 12 miles from Tavel.


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