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Sigonce village in Haute Provence - Montagne de Lure

The village of Sigonce lays on the southern and sunny side of the Montagne de Lure which descends gently to Forcalquier.

It is a charming Provencal village with beautiful dry stone houses, beautifully restored by locals. The houses are grouped around the castle, a massive building whose belfry remained. It sits above the roofs, topped with a bell and a bell tower.

At the edge of the old town, the Saint-Claude church has the massive profile. It dates from the 14th century. It has a remarkable slate roof, which is very rare in Provence.

Sigonce villageSigonce villageSigonce villageSigonce eglise saint Paul

Agriculture and tourism are the main economic activities of the village. But until the 60's, the main activity of Sigonce was coal mining, an industry which started in the 19th century. The extracted coal was transported by cable car up the Lurs station. The careful observer will notice the discrete ruins of industrial buildings that fit the rural landscape.

Accommodation and information

Selection of guest rooms near Forcalquier on the portal of the Bed and breakfast of Provence

Tourist office website www.sigonce.fr

Coming to Sigonce

GPS coordinates N 43°59'52'' - E 5°50'28''

Location : 400 inhabitants,  altitude 550 m, 4 miles from Lurs, 6 miles from Forcalquier, 8 miles from Saint-Etienne-les Orgues, 16 miles from Manosque, 22 miles from Sisteron

Horizon Provence 2025

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